Tuesday, April 22, 2008

And the Gender Is...


You have to watch the video to find out!!! I will warn you, it's about 5 minutes long, filled with gratuitous cuteness and a little bit of raw ultrasound footage (might bore those of you who aren't "into" the baby thing... shame on you if you aren't ;)

We didn't take one of the "real" cameras with us, so this snappy and the above video where taken with our little point 'n shoot.

(Man, I need a hair cut. That's approaching mullet status).

And here are a few stills from the ultrasound. This first is looking head-on as the baby is on it's side. You can see the face pretty clearly including, what looks like, it giving us the stink eye.

And our tech snuck and gave us a 3D preview. Here's the left side of baby's face (looking left). You can clearly see nose, eye, and it looks like it's sucking it's bottom lip. A pout perhaps?

Okay, if you've read this far, I'm going to assume you haven't cheated and have actually watched the viddy so I can stop saying "it" and get used to saying "her". And no joke. We had a boy's name left over from when Maddie was still a question mark. We are stumped on a girl's name. Everything Danielle suggests, I don't like (or know someone else with that name and I really don't want to do that). And every name I suggest Danielle just shoots me a look. For the record, I still don't see anything wrong with Faith Love Hope.

So click below where it says "comments" and throw out your suggestions. Once we get the ball rolling, I think I'll put together a little poll and let you all vote. And no, we're not eBaying the rights to name the baby (even if it would get me an office, a new bag of gear, and maybe that Beemer I'm wanting).

Alrighty, back to work and saving for two college educations and weddings. Sheesh.



Wes Hope said...

Okay, I'll get the ball rolling:

Wynter Aurelius


Well, that's already taken. See more crazy celeb baby names here:

I'm actually feeling kind of simple and classic right now:


Anonymous said...

HOORAY FOR LITTLE GIRLS! Congrats y'all!! (thanks for keeping me distracted from workin' . . .)

I'm naming her:
Elvis Merlabelle Hope

You know it's perfect . . . sorry Danielle!

Anonymous said...

Hurray! Wes has a life full of hormonal mood swings ahead of him!! HA HA HA! Love ya', Man!

I already put in the suggestion for Tess, but never got a response, so I'm guessing that's a no.

If you like Aurelius, what about Aurelia? That was my best friend's name in HS.

Becca? I like that with Maddie a lot.

Jason said...

One of my left over girl names after Cooper and all his boyhood popped out was Kylie. I'll leave the middle name thing up to you though. Congrats! Super happy for you all, and know Maddie will love having a little sister.


Erin M said...

YEAH! That was such a great video! What a good way to start my day. The pictures are so neat too!
No names to throw out yet. . . can't wait to see all the suggestions though.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful! How about Miranda. Or Sadie (it uses letters out of both of your names)

Wes Hope said...

Good suggestions folks... keep 'em coming.

What about a little alliteration? Hannah Hand-Me-Down Hope? I figure she's going to get a ton of Maddie's leftovers, so might as well go ahead and call her Hand-Me-Down. :)

Chris Mielke said...

I will give you one of mine that was left over Chocolate. It went really well with Mielke!

There was also 2% Lowfat as well.

Come to think of it the latter doesn't go with Hope very well.

Anonymous said...

Baby! Yay! I'm so glad that Firefox randomly decided to crash on me this morning and that I had to restart it and therefore was thinking about sites that I hadn't been to in awhile...like this one!

As far as names, Rachael is still up for grabs. None of my adoring fans have snagged it yet. Just don't spell it Rachel. No really, I don't like it that much actually. Oh! But you could use it as the middle name and then they could both have middle names that start with R. For real though, I either tend towards super classic names like Catherine or Sophie or Chloe, or sort of hippie names like Dhalia or Summer or Maia or Piper. I'll also throw out there Charlotte and Hallie (though that might be a bit much with Hope) and Zoe. And you know, of course, there's always Veronica and Lorelai. ;)

Congrats! Give some kisses to Maddie!

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad for you all. I know that you secretly wanted a boy, but teh baby's a blessing any way you count it. I don't have any great suggestions for names. Nicole would kill me if I gave away anything we were thinking of. You could just use the pantry method, but that's your call. See you around!

Erika said...

A sweet baby girl!! How exciting!
Oh, the name game. Girls names are so much easier! There are so many good ones.
I do like Sarah, and Samantha, Elizabeth, Caitlin, Ella, Reese, and Megan.
Steven never likes to play the name game, but I LOVE it. Good luck!

Becky said...

Congratulations on another girl! Whew, the item I am making will work for a girl. How about 'Alice', Ivory, or Great White? I am serious about Alice. Take it easy and enjoy having 2 hands free. They won't be for long.


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