Friday, December 17, 2010

Maryville Wedding Photography - Alyson + Dusty 10.15.10

There's something flickering off in the distance… I think it's the light at the end of the tunnel! My mountain of a to-do list for 2010 is down to a mere hill. No, a knoll! And one of the biggest things knocked off that list was Alyson and Dusty's beautiful wedding at Smithview Pavilion in Maryville. These two had a gorgeous fall wedding surrounded by a ton of friends and family. It was a great time indeed!

As always, I had a hard time narrowing my favorites down to just a "few", so sit back and relax and enjoy another super-long post!

I love all the girls leaning in reading Dusty's letter to Alyson.

Dusty got ready at the love shack apparently.

Coolest. Hanger. Ever.

Come out of your cocoon little butterfly.

Hey, trees have to be watered.

They did a "first look" so we could knock all the photos out before the ceremony. I love the anticipation on Dusty's face in the first one.

Whoops, that's two kissycheek photos back-to-back. You don't mind, right?

The beautiful bride.

There's something dreamy about this one.



I almost lined these two different photos up perfectly.

Danielle knocked the shoe photos out of the park.

Being a bride is hard work.

Dusty, you make those flowers look good!

Do what now?

The last few and these were at a family farm out in the county, by the way.

I swear, good assistants are hard to find (that's my mother-in-law sprinting through the background).

New word of the week --> flairlicious!

Pumpkins everywhere! I love fall weddings.

The girls were practicing their moves before the ceremony to some blaring music (much to the ringbearers chagrin).

Right back atcha ---> ;)

Seriously mom? Put down the camera and enjoy the show. We've got you covered. ;)

Mr. and Mrs.

We had to do a few by the creek after the ceremony since Dusty is a fly fishing guide.

Um... ooooooooookay.

I love this daddy-daughter dance photo. A great moment + a guest's flash = happy me.

Danielle goes nuts with the shoes and I go to town with the rings.

There were some hilarious toasts.

Dusty nailed the old "going-for-the-garter-and-accidentally-pull-out-the-bloomers" gag!!

Everyone loved it.

Instant replay.

See ya!

Congratulations Alyson and Dusty!! And thanks for being so patient!

One more wedding to finish up and the 2010 wedding season will officially be a wrap! And then we're hightailing to a beach somewhere and I'm going to pass out in the sand. ;)


Alyson said...

Thank you SO much! You all captured every moment and the pictures are amazing!!!

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