Another fun fall session on the blog today! We've had the pleasure of watching this little guy grow up over the last few years. Cameron is always such a ham and fun to photograph. And it's crazy seeing these kids getting bigger and older. It just seems like yesterday we were doing our first session with him!
This kid is all about sticks. I think we've photographed him with some sort of stick or branch every year since we've met him.
What a handsome little guy!
Maybe I told him to do. Maybe I didn't. ;)
That's mom and dad, by the way.
Little poser. :)
We always try to get one of just the folks too.
Fall family!
I'm sensing a theme with the fall sessions this year.
He tried to get me.
I call this a yark… yawn+smirk.
Little funny man.
Leaf skating. Coming to the Winter Olympics in 2024.
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