I love little kids. And not in a creepy way before any of you jokesters out there even think about it. But in a they're-so-much-fun-to-photograph way. We recently did a session with Molly, who was turning one, at our studio in Maryville. What a fun age to photograph! Personalities are starting to really show themselves and the little kiddos are always either crawling or walking away from you. :)
And boy, was she a crawler!
What a cutie!!
So expressive.
A couple with mommy and daddy.
It won't be too long before she's doing this on her own. And then, look out!
She was excited she found a leaf. Not so excited when she tasted it a few seconds later.
Mmm, juice.
You looking at me?
Into the studio.
Everyone's a critic.
This look cracks me up.
She's ready to pounce.
It's funny, she really wasn't that in to the cupcakes. She liked smearing the frosting on the background, but that's it. :)
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