Don't you just love the holiday season? Christmas is right around the corner and Dawn and Curt, one of our wedding/portrait clients, asked to use one of their sessions in the baby plan they purchased last week for some Christmas photos with little bitty Lila. We showcased her
newborn session a couple months ago here on the blog and we're pleased to show her off again.
Check out that two-month old smile. Are we good or what?
Lila's great-grandfather made this sleigh. And she loved it so much, she fell asleep.
Which was great, because we got all sorts of cuteness.
She's either yawning or screaming, "I don't want to be an Ellllllllffff!!!"
She started reaching for the hat in her sleep… get this thing off of me!Alright, before I show you this, I have to warn you, it's probably one of the cutest things you're going to see today. And I'll also warn you, that no babies were harmed in the making of this photo. There's a bit of Photoshop magic going on here, so please, PLEASE, don't try to do this on your own. We're trained professionals here, people.
Ta-da! Pretty darn cute, huh?!?! I had a crazy idea and Dawn was awesome enough to play along. And somehow, Lila slept through the whole experience. :)Merry Christmas Lila! You're one adorable little elf!

ps: Remember everyone, tomorrow, photos with Santa at our studio! Click
here for more info!! We're almost completely full, so call us today to set up your session. Don't be naughty and pass this opportunity up! ;)