Thursday, October 9, 2008

Beth+Steve Engagement

Hi everyone! Talk about craziness... we've had several weddings and a bunch of portrait sessions lately. Throw in a sick three-year old, a sick wife, and a newborn and I'm about ready for the insane asylum. If you see me walking in circles on I-40 muttering about hard drives and dirty diapers, please point me in the direction of home and give me a dollar for a Coke Icee. Yeah, yeah, whine whine. Why are we here?

Well, our lovely assistant Beth is now one of our lovely brides! Beth and Steve are engaged to be married in May and we're doing the wedding. We kinda sorta like Steve and love to give him a hard time. If you're going to join our inner circle, you have to expect a little hazing and prepare to roll with the punches.

A couple of weeks ago, we all headed down to the Tennessee Valley Fair to play a little. Unfortunately, the only day all of our schedules aligned was on a Saturday and as you can imagine, the Fair was hopping. It was chaos personified, but we did what we could and got to ride a few rides without having to wait in line all night. We then met up the next weekend on the Greenbelt in Maryville for part two of their session.

Here are a few of my top choices:


Steve was a little nervous about being on the Ferris wheel with me in there. I promised I wouldn't rock it too much.

Trying to shoot the Tilt-A-Whirl while riding in the Tilt-A-Whirl. Thank goodness for large memory cards!

I had previsualized this a little differently. I think I was expecting more people walking by, and even though the Fair was nuts, we really couldn't pull this off in the super-busy areas. It's still pretty cool though.

A couple of crazy kids.

On to the Greenbelt.

We keep all assistants and fiancés in cages. It's safer for everyone. Please don't feed them.

They're a good looking couple...

Despite Steve. (You know I love you dude!)

Congratulations Beth and Steve! We're looking forward to the wedding. My big question is though, Beth, will you be able to carry our lighting gear in your dress? We might cut you some slack.

Guess what... the next post should be a wedding! I know, exciting huh? We've had so much other great work from late summer to share that it's been a while since we've posted a wedding. And this was a great one too! So check back next week for that update.

And in the meantime, keep us all in your prayers and thoughts. We need to shake the bugs that are hanging around the Hope house. So far *knock on wood*toss salt over my shoulder*fingers crossed*shoot black cats on sight* I've been unscathed by the sickness. Man, I hope I didn't just jinx myself.



Erin M said...

I am impressed with "chaos personified" considering how little sleep you've had.

Chris Mielke said...

Congrats Beth and Steve!!

Glad to see you guys again

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