Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rebecca+Wes: Wedding Teaser

Here's a quick preview from last Saturday's wedding of Rebecca and Wes (not me, another guy :). They were married at Farragut Christian Church and had the reception at Fox Den. It was a cool affair. Enjoy this little teaser* and hopefully I'll have a full blog post next week.

Talk about a nice looking couple...


The usual suspects.

Farragut Christian Church had a bunch of little nooks for us to shoot from.

A little "Rocky Top" square dancing.

*Teaser? Yep, part of the plan for the changes to the blog is to get a little teaser post up within a few days of each wedding. Why? To whet your appetite and make you thirsty for more!! All part of my evil plan. :)

Also, I'm trying out my cutlines below the photos now. The old layout looked better with then above the images, but now I'm not so sure. Feel free to let me know what you think!


Friday, January 23, 2009

Kristen+Matt: Engagement

2009 is off to a booming start! Yesterday we had our first engagement session of the year and tomorrow we have our first wedding . Busy times for sure!

We met Kristen and Matt in downtown Maryville and had a great time just walking around looking for cool places to shoot. It was a little chilly in the shade, but not too bad for January. Kristen and Matt brought their two pooches, Diesel and Tebow, with them which made for some good laughs (I couldn't tell who was walking who). We had a fun time and brought back a ton of great images!

Good thing it's been warming up... I'd hate for her tongue to freeze and get stuck there.

A little reflection fun.

Too bad their initials aren't "J & K".

That's Tebow (center left), a Pit Bull/Great Dane mix, and Diesel, full blooded Pit. They may look mean, but they were pretty sweet (rambunctious too!).

Danielle was standing right over my shoulder meowing like a cat trying to get their attention (the dogs, not the couple). I think I said something like, "Shut up! You're gonna get us eaten!" Yeah, the boys weren't too happy about the possibility of a cat nearby.

This was just a grab as we were moving from one spot to another... the last thing you need when trying to walk two 70+ pound dogs is for them to go in opposite directions.

Danielle got this nice moment while I was sprawled on the ground getting the next shot.

That's it! Kristen and Matt, thanks for hanging out with us! We can't wait for your wedding in a couple months!


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Lilly is One!

Happy Weekend everyone! I wanted to quickly share some photos from our most recent session (Thursday actually... part of the new blog is a faster turnaround on posts in '09... I promise!). This was our third session with the ever cute Lilly, who hit the ripe old age of ONE at the end of December (you can check out her past sessions here and here). Well as most of you around the south know, it's been C-O-L-D this week, so we were limited to playing inside mostly. But we had fun nonetheless. Lilly always brightens our day when we're around her.

Love the hat!

"Um, it's kinda cold. Think we can go back inside now?"


She's so proud to be standing up now.

She tried to scare me off with her war-cries, but I was not fazed.

I love this innocent little look on her face.

A girl and her dinosaur.

That's all for now. The new blog still has the same comment feature (just click on "comments" below and fire away). So feel free to leave Lilly some love. And let us know how you like the new look with the bigger photos!


Monday, January 12, 2009

We Have a New Look (in more ways than one)!!

Well? Look around, what do you think? Pretty spiffy, huh? I've been hard at work all week getting some much needed updates done to our website and giving our awesometastic (new word) blog a facelift. Among the blog changes are the single column layout so we can show you BIGGER images and a cool rotating header (of course, bigger photos and the center column mean all the old posts are going to look a little funky. Anyone want to volunteer to go through all the posts from last year and fix them?).

And I finally have our website updated with a bunch of our best images from 2008. If you haven't checked it out, scoot on over there right now (well after you read this post) and check it out! The site is also going to get a much needed facelift and some layout changes over the next week or two. I also have a couple slideshows to add to our featured weddings section too. So the work isn't done yet! Here's what it looks like right now:

And in other news, Sunday was the day our new advertisement debuted in Premier Bride magazine. I think I'll show it to you first and then explain our thoughts behind it after. So buckle up...

Prepare yourself...

This is easily going to be the funniest/most shocking thing you'll see this week...

(I still can't believe I did this).

Alright. Breath. Wipe your coffee off your keyboard. And read about why yours truly is in a wedding gown.

Most of you know we've been in the wedding business for 8 years now. Up until 2 years ago, we had relied solely on word-of-mouth referrals. But as we made the decision to transition from a part-time business to a full-time business we felt we needed to advertise with everyone else in the local bridal magazine, Premier Bride. It seemed like the logical thing to do. You advertise, spread the word, business grows. And it did. Somewhat.

Earlier in the year I was brainstorming about what we could do to make our ad more effective. I had noticed that when you flip through the magazine, all the ads had a tendency to run together. It was beautiful bride in a field, beautiful bride next to a fence, beautiful bride with her flowers, beautiful bride on a wall, etc. We needed something to make us stand out from the ever-growing pack. Something that really let brides know that we're not your average photographer. We're fun. And we like to have fun.

So that led me to reflect on one of the funniest running gags in comedy... dudes in dresses. Milton Berle, the boys of Monty Python, Kids in the Hall, Saturday Night Live. I thought it was brilliant. I thought it was insane. I thought it would be hilarious and a page stopper. I thought Danielle would shoot the idea down faster than my dress could be zipped.

She didn't. She loved it. And that's when I got scared. I was going to actually have to wear a wedding dress. What was I thinking?

And then fate stepped in. Or stumbled down some steps. We were all set up to do the shoot in May (for the August edition of the magazine). Dress lined up. Bouquet arranged. Friend's studio borrowed. And then in a split-second blur I fractured both of my elbows (sad story really... if you haven't heard the tale, check it here). I thought I was off the hook! But my lovely little wife wouldn't let me get off that easy. So when the deadline approached for the January edition, she started making calls. And the dude in a dress was back on.

Before I go on, we do have to give a big thanks to Lisa Foster for the bouquet and the boutonnière, to the girls at Wedding Wonderland for loaning me the dress (I'm a size 28 apparently. Who knew?), and to our buddy Jason Davis for loaning us his garage to shoot in. You all rock!

Now does this mean that we don't take weddings seriously? Please! Of course we do. Look at our work. I think it speaks for itself. But weddings are also supposed to be fun. And we're fun people (or so we've been told). So why not have a little fun with our ad? And you know what I have an even greater appreciation for what our brides go through... those dresses are not easy to get in to and they weigh a bloody ton!

I hope you like it and I hope you like the new look of the blog. Please drop us a line and let us know if a) the blog looks good b) the blog looks like crap or it looks weird in your browser c) you think I've committed career suicide by donning a wedding gown (no presidential campaigns in my future, that's for sure) or d) you want to tell me how hard you laughed thus drawing strange looks from your coworkers and family. Just click on "comments" below and you can tell us all about it.

Check back soon... I'll keep you updated on the website makeover this week. And I still have a few sessions to get online from 2008! I am super excited about 2009... we've got some big things planned that I can't wait to share with you all!!


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